This page is from 2012, please click here for details about the current concerts.

Oxford Lent Concerts, 2012.

Featuring music by Bach and illumination by Modern Icons.

All concerts are in Queen's College Chapel, Oxford.

Concert dates:
Concert 1: March 13 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm
Concert 2: March 20 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm
Concert 3: March 27 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm
Concert 4: April 3 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm

Admission to the Chapel 15 minutes before each concert.

Each concert will last approximately 45 minutes.

Concerts are FREE with a Retiring Collection for Oxford Gatehouse and to the Saakshar education programme for slum children, Delhi.

For children in India's slums, the absence of education is a life sentence of poverty and exploitation, but the Saakshar schools for slum children are providing the vital first step into education for severely deprived children in SW Delhi. In the daily struggle to survive, children's education is often impossible as illiterate parents working long hours are unable to deal with school applications, and children from slum communities who do start school are faced with many challenges and frequently drop out.

Saakshar ('literate') does an amazing job of getting these children into mainstream school and supporting them throughout their education. Teaching life skills and functional literacy and numeracy it sends 100 well prepared children a year to mainstream school. It continues into vocational training for some school leavers and offers vital medical intervention too.

Saakshar was established in 2001 as part of the Vigyan Vijay Foundation (VVF) by Delhi widow Asha Kumar and some friends who shared a common vision for improving life for some of their city's most disadvantaged people. Through the dedication of Saakshar's teachers and staff the programme has a very high success rate. It is supported in the UK by the Oxford based charity Saakshar School Appeal:

Concert 1, March 13 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm




Concert 2, March 20 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm





Concert 3, March 27 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm





Concert 4, April 3 (Tuesday) 6:15 pm


